WIN/KEL De masterclass naar geluk en succes.
Co-organized with Nine Postma, September 2019.
We have organized a masterclass around the theme succes en geluk. The word geluk has a double meaning in Dutch. You can be lucky or feel happy. Since our graduation we have been dealing with different themes around succes en geluk. To what extent do you have control over your own succes en geluk? How do you turn your ambitions into success? What does it mean to be successful? And to what extent does luck play a role in this?
We invited six young artists and organized workshops, lectures and assignments on these topics during four days. We also paid a work visit to Kunstpodium T in Tilburg and Witte Rook in Breda. The masterclass resulted in a joint presentation during Art Rendez Vous in Breda.
This project enabled us to explore socially engaged questions with fellow artists. Afterwards we bundled some of our findings in an online article that can be read here: link.

Participating artists:
- Lisa Blaauwbroek
- Harm In ’t Groen
- Simon Oosterhuis
- Nine Postma
- Hanna Speelman
- Melissa van Venrooij
- Josine Vissers